Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Why I Hate Mullahs Part LXVII

Few people have criticised Pervez Musharraf as much as I have. I even lost my job because of his draconian control over the press. But I sincerely hope he prevails in the showdown at the Lal Masjid. Read this BBC story to see how cowardly the Islamo fascists are. Just yesterday Maulana Abdul Aziz had insisted he would fight to the death. Today, when it seemed that the government might finally take him on, he tried to escape in a burqa. On one level I am heartened by the cowardice of the Islamic leaders but, the fact remains that there are thousands of people who have been so brainwashed that they will continue to 'martyr' themselves and refuse to recognise the true nature of their brainwashers.

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