Thursday, July 5, 2007

Jamie Lee Curtis Discovers Reality TV

Jamie Lee Curtis (star of ummm... that rubbish sitcom with Richard Lewis) watches a reality show and dosen't like what she sees.

Money quote

I understand there are many of these shows now. All "elimination"-based and faux reality. Real like a firing squad. I understand there is a good side, a jubilant winner getting their shot at fame and fortunes, but the bulk of the watching, I gather, is some communal elimination where the audience gets a hand in the stone-throwing. It begs the question of why we feel the need to watch this. Are we all so unhappy in our own lives we need the fix of watching another human go into the gladiator ring and come out a bloody, eviscerated mess? What does Russell Crowe scream in Gladiator -- "Are you not entertained"?

Dear Jamie, we had this debate four years ago and decided reality tv was soul sucking, voyeuristic and degrading. Then we continued to watch Survivor, Big Brother and American Idol. Leave us alone.

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